Results for 'Hugo Alfonso Alarcón-Acuña'

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  1.  18
    Metaphysics without Truth.Hugo Alfonso Alarcón Acuña - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:281-284.
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    GORGIAS. Elogio de Helena. Edición Bilingüe. Introducción general, prólogo, traducción y notas de Benjamin Ugalde. Democracia y Libertad: Santiago de Chile, 2023. [REVIEW]Hugo Alfonso Alarcón-Acuña - 2024 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 17:167-170.
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    Evaluación del desarrollo pragmático temprano: estudio de la confiabilidad y la validez del Inventario del Uso del Lenguaje en Chile.Aylin Xiomara Contreras Cortés, Hugo Alfonso Segura Pujol & Paulina Guerra Santa María - 2025 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (2).
    En la actualidad existen diversos instrumentos para evaluar el desempeño lingüístico en diferentes edades, no obstante, en lo que respecta a evaluaciones en primera infancia las investigaciones han obtenido resultados divergentes destacando la necesidad de abordajes evaluativos funcionales. Lo anterior, perjudica la pesquisa de niños que requieren intervención, y a su vez enlentece el proceso de cumplimiento de objetivos terapéuticos. El propósito del presente estudio es realizar una primera descripción de las medidas psicométricas de validez y confiabilidad del Inventario del (...)
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    Evaluation of medical ethics competencies in rheumatology: local experience during national accreditation process.Virginia Pascual-Ramos, Irazú Contreras-Yáñez, Cesar Alejandro Arce Salinas, Miguel Angel Saavedra Salinas, Mónica Vázquez del Mercado Del Mercado, Judith López Zepeda, Sandra Muñoz López, Janitzia Vázquez-Mellado, Luis Manuel Amezcua Guerra, Hilda Esther Fragoso Loyo, Miguel Angel Villarreal Alarcón, Mario Pérez Cristobal, Eugenia Nadina Rubio Pérez, Alfonso Ragnar Torres Jiménez, María del Rocio Maldonado & Everardo Álvarez-Hernández - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):839-842.
    IntroductionRheumatologists are the primary healthcare professionals responsible for patients with rheumatic diseases and should acquire medical ethical competencies, such as the informed consent process (ICP). The objective clinical structured examination is a valuable tool for assessing clinical competencies. We report the performance of 90 rheumatologist trainees participating in a station designed to evaluate the ICP during the 2018 and 2019 national accreditations.MethodsThe station was validated and represented a medical encounter in which the rheumatologist informed a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (...)
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    Más allá del humanismo: Reflexiones sobre Transhumanismo y Posthumanismo.Stefan Sorgner, Diego Ticchione Sáez & Hugo Alarcón Acuña - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:169-205.
    Me enfoco aquí en los principales contraargumentos que han sido erigidos en contra de una tesis que postulé en mi artículo “Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and the Transhumanims” (2009a), según la cual se pueden encontrar similitudes significativas en un nivel fundamental entre el concepto de posthumano, tal como es sostenido por algunos transhumanistas, y el concepto de Nietzsche de sobrehumano. Los artículos con los contraargumentos fueron publicados en el reciente apartado de la Journal of Evolution and Technology “Nietzsche and European Posthumanisms” (...)
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    Nuevo equipo editorial y las proyecciones de Resonancias.Felipe Álvarez, Javier Castillo, Nicolás Antonio Rojas Cortés & Hugo Alarcón - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 15:7-11.
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  7. Dual Careers of Athletes During COVID-19 Lockdown.Pascal Izzicupo, Angela Di Baldassarre, Ilvis Abelkalns, Ugis Bisenieks, Antonio Sánchez-Pato, Francisco José Cánovas-Alvarez, Mojca Doupona, António J. Figueiredo, Juan Alfonso García-Roca, Barbara Ghinassi, Alejandro Leiva-Arcas, Lourdes Meroño, Anda Paegle, Liliana-Elisabeta Radu, Cristian-Mihail Rus, Oana-Mihaela Rusu, Hugo Sarmento, Janis Stonis, Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal, Vasco Vaz & Laura Capranica - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to investigate the student-athletes' capability to face the academic, sport, and social challenges during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown and to disclose novel aspects of dual careers. A 32-item online survey encompassing demographic characteristics, sport and university engagement, support and dual-career benefits, physical activity, sitting time, and the time deemed necessary to recover the previous level of performance was developed. Four hundred sixty-seven student-athletes (males: 57%, females: 43%) from 11 countries, competing in 49 different sports (individual: (...)
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    Machine Learning Classifiers to Evaluate Data From Gait Analysis With Depth Cameras in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease.Beatriz Muñoz-Ospina, Daniela Alvarez-Garcia, Hugo Juan Camilo Clavijo-Moran, Jaime Andrés Valderrama-Chaparro, Melisa García-Peña, Carlos Alfonso Herrán, Christian Camilo Urcuqui, Andrés Navarro-Cadavid & Jorge Orozco - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionThe assessments of the motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease are usually limited to clinical rating scales, and it depends on the clinician’s experience. This study aims to propose a machine learning technique algorithm using the variables from upper and lower limbs, to classify people with PD from healthy people, using data from a portable low-cost device. And can be used to support the diagnosis and follow-up of patients in developing countries and remote areas.MethodsWe used Kinect®eMotion system to capture the spatiotemporal (...)
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    Pensar epistémico, educación popular e investigación participativa.Alfonso Torres C. - 2019 - CDMX: Editora Nómada.
    Pensar epistémico, educación popular e investigación participativa es un testimonio intelectual acerca de tres figuras emblemáticas del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano: Orlando Fals Borda, Paulo Freire y Hugo Zemelman. Alfonso Torres Carrillo, educador popular colombiano, expone su propia interpretación, nutrida por el diálogo con estos tres pensadores, sobre la vigencia (y trascendencia) de sus propuestas críticas y de acción social. Redimensiona, así, estas tres vertientes teóricas y metodológicas en América Latina: el pensar epistémico, la educación popular y el modelo (...)
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  10. Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness.Hugo D. Critchley, Stefan Wiens, Pia Rotshtein, Arne Öhman & Raymond J. Dolan - 2004 - Nature Neuroscience 7 (2):189-195.
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    Intuitive and reflective inferences.Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 149--170.
    Much evidence has accumulated in favor of such a dual view of reasoning. There is however some vagueness in the way the two systems are characterized. Instead of a principled distinction, we are presented with a bundle of contrasting features - slow/fast, automatic/controlled, explicit/implicit, associationist/rule based, modular/central - that, depending on the specific dual process theory, are attributed more or less exclusively to one of the two systems. As Evans states in a recent review, “it would then be helpful to (...)
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  12. What good is moral reasoning?Hugo Mercier - 2011 - Mind and Society 10 (2):131-148.
    The role of reasoning in our moral lives has been increasingly called into question by moral psychology. Not only are intuitions guiding many of our moral judgments and decisions, with reasoning only finding post-hoc rationalizations, but reasoning can sometimes play a negative role, by finding excuses for our moral violations. The observations fit well with the argumentative theory of reasoning (Mercier H, Sperber D, Behav Brain Sci, in press-b), which claims that reasoning evolved to find and evaluate arguments in dialogic (...)
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    Self-deception: Adaptation or by-product?Hugo Mercier - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (1):35-35.
    By systematically biasing our beliefs, self-deception can endanger our ability to successfully convey our messages. It can also lead lies to degenerate into more severe damages in relationships. Accordingly, I suggest that the biases reviewed in the target article do not aim at self-deception but instead are the by-products of several other mechanisms: our natural tendency to self-enhance, the confirmation bias inherent in reasoning, and the lack of access to our unconscious minds.
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    Robert Michels, the iron law of oligarchy and dynamic democracy.Hugo Drochon - 2020 - Constellations 27 (2):185-198.
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    How Good Are We At Evaluating Communicated Information?Hugo Mercier - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 89:257-272.
    Are we gullible? Can we be easily influenced by what others tell us, even if they do not deserve our trust? Many strands of research, from social psychology to cultural evolution suggest that humans are by nature conformist and eager to follow prestigious leaders. By contrast, an evolutionary perspective suggests that humans should be vigilant towards communicated information, so as not to be misled too often. Work in experimental psychology shows that humans are equipped with sophisticated mechanisms that allow them (...)
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    Paradoxes of liberalism: Good government: democracy beyond elections, by Pierre Rosanvallon, translated by Malcolm DeBevoise, Cambridge [MA], Harvard University Press, 2018, 352 pp., £28.95 , ISBN 9780674979437.Hugo Drochon - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (5):754-760.
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    A Principlist Justification of Physical Restraint in the Emergency Department.Hugo Hall & David G. Smithard - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (2):176-184.
    The ethics of physical restraint in the Emergency Department has always been an emotive and controversial issue. Recently a vanguard of advocacy groups and regulatory agencies have...
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    Compatibility operators in abstract algebraic logic.Hugo Albuquerque, Josep Maria Font & Ramon Jansana - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):417-462.
    This paper presents a unified framework that explains and extends the already successful applications of the Leibniz operator, the Suszko operator, and the Tarski operator in recent developments in abstract algebraic logic. To this end, we refine Czelakowski’s notion of an S-compatibility operator, and introduce the notion of coherent family of S-compatibility operators, for a sentential logic S. The notion of coherence is a restricted property of commutativity with inverse images by surjective homomorphisms, which is satisfied by both the Leibniz (...)
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    Now, the Real Foundations of Bioethics. [REVIEW]Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 31 (6):46-47.
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    An Abstract Algebraic Logic Study of da Costa’s Logic and Some of its Paraconsistent Extensions.Hugo Albuquerque & Carlos Caleiro - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):477-528.
    Two famous negative results about da Costa’s paraconsistent logic ${\mathscr {C}}_1$ (the failure of the Lindenbaum–Tarski process [44] and its non-algebraizability [39]) have placed ${\mathscr {C}}_1$ seemingly as an exception to the scope of Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL). In this paper we undertake a thorough AAL study of da Costa’s logic ${\mathscr {C}}_1$. On the one hand, we strengthen the negative results about ${\mathscr {C}}_1$ by proving that it does not admit any algebraic semantics whatsoever in the sense of Blok (...)
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    Social justice and social institutions.Hugo Adam Bedau - 1978 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 3 (1):159-175.
  22. Normas sociales.Hugo Viciana - forthcoming - Enciclopedia Online de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica.
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    Carl Schmitt between technological rationality and theology: the position and meaning of his legal thought.Hugo Herrera - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Carl Schmitt, one of the most influential legal and political thinkers of the twentieth century, is known chiefly for his work on international law, sovereignty, and his doctrine of political exception. This book argues that greater prominence should be given to his early work in legal studies. Schmitt himself repeatedly identified as a jurist, and Hugo E. Herrera demonstrates how for Schmitt, law plays a key role as an intermediary between ideal, conceptual theory and the messiness and complexity of (...)
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    Redirecting Philosophy: The Nature of Knowledge from Plato to Lonergan.Hugo A. Meynell - 1998 - University of Toronto Press.
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    ‘An Old Carriage with New Horses’: Nietzsche’s Critique of Democracy.Hugo Drochon - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (8):1055-1068.
    SUMMARYDebates about Nietzsche's political thought today revolve around his role in contemporary democratic theory: is he a thinker to be mined for stimulating resources in view of refounding democratic legitimacy on a radicalised, postmodern and agonistic footing, or is he the modern arch-critic of democracy budding democrats must hone their arguments against? Moving away from this dichotomy, this article asks first and foremost what democracy meant for Nietzsche in late nineteenth-century Germany, and on that basis what we might learn from (...)
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  26. Science, the truth, and Thomas Kuhn.Hugo Meynell - 1975 - Mind 84 (333):79-93.
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    Using the Dizi Gui to break away from a deteriorated business environment—a case study.Hugo Winckler - 2014 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 3 (2):111-125.
    The three main Chinese teachings can all be used to develop a framework for corporate governance in China. Recently, the Confucian classic the Dizi gui has emerged as a matter of academic and social interest in Mainland China. Some entrepreneurs have decided to revert to the moral rules set out in this book to decide on complex moral dilemma. Our research aims to explore an actual case in which a business leader from Beijing succeeded in transforming his moral aspiration into (...)
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    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan.Hugo A. Meynell - 1991 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Raymond Aron’s “Machiavellian” Liberalism.Hugo Drochon - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (4):621-642.
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    Life and Truth.Hugo Strandberg - 2019 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 8:131-140.
    The “post-truth” phenomenon is not primarily a cognitive problem, but a moral or existential problem, a problem of self-deception. But what does this mean? In order to clarify that, two things need to be discussed. First, if the conception of belief is rejected according to which a belief has sense in isolation from the roles it, and the holding of it, plays in our lives, then the problem of self-deception needs to be met as a problem of life. Second, a (...)
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  31. The dual nature of partisan prejudice: Morality and Identity in a multiparty sistem.Hugo Viciana, Ivar R. Hannikainen & Antonio Gaitán Torres - 2019 - PLoS ONE 14 (e0219509).
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    Scepticism Reconsidered.Hugo Meynell - 1984 - Philosophy 59 (230):431 - 442.
    Some years ago, it was fashionable for philosophers not to take sceptica arguments seriously. Now, it seems no longer so.
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  33. (1 other version)The Intelligible Universe: A Cosmological Argument.Hugo A. Meynell - 1982 - Philosophy 58 (223):129-130.
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    Philosophie der Werte. Grundzüge einer Weltanschauung, by Hugo Münsterberg.A. E. Taylor & Hugo Munsterrberg - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18 (2):191.
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    Salomon Maimon’s Commentary on the Subject of the Given in Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.Hugo Eduardo Herrera - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (3):593-613.
    The article approaches Salomon Maimon’s reinterpretation of the notions of the thing in itself and the given within the framework of criticism. For Maimon they do not refer to a transcendence that is directly unattainable by knowledge. In this attempt, he tries to explain the given on the basis of the action of constitutive understanding. With this, he triggers the passage from transcendental Kantian philosophy to the idealism of Fichte. Nonetheless, his position faces the subsequent problem of explaining how the (...)
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    O Problema dos Pensadores Artificiais: Um Debate Metafísico.Hugo Luzio - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (4):1777-1802.
    The possibility of artificial intelligence is usually discussed by philosophers as a problem about artificial thought: can an artificial system think? The production of intelligence in an artificial system would, however, give rise to an intelligent artificial being: an artificial thinker. As such, there is another, less explored way of discussing the possibility of artificial intelligence: can there be an artificial thinker? This is the problem of artificial thinkers (Olson 2018). In this essay, I discuss this problem. To do so, (...)
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    The argument from undecidable dissension.Hugo Enrique Sánchez López - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):109-115.
    The five modes of suspension of judgment outlined by Sextus Empiricus (HP XV 164-188) coordinate a complex argumentative strategy to prompt the general suspension of judgment. But modes (τρόπος) are general argument forms that can be deployed individually against the dogmatist, who is willing to accept that a certain answer to a question establishes how things really are. In this case, the aim of the modes is not the general suspension of judgment but the continuation of the investigation. I present (...)
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    El Agatocles de Maquiavelo, tres versiones: virtù y ejemplaridad en El Príncipe.Hugo Tavera Villegas - 2024 - Isegoría 70:1342.
    En El Príncipe, las prescripciones políticas que Maquiavelo ofrece a sus lectores se presentan de manera predominante en la forma de reflexiones sobre ejemplos particulares. En este ensayo expongo tres interpretaciones distintas sobre Agatocles (las de Victoria Kahn, John McCormick y Erica Benner), quien figura en el libro como el principal ejemplo del príncipe criminal, apartado textualmente entonces del grupo de «hombres excelentes» que son llamados a imitar por los nuevos príncipes. A pesar de sus diferencias, estas diferentes lecturas muestran (...)
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    Symposium on Jan-Werner Müller’s Democracy Rules.Hugo Drochon - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (1):153-154.
    From Brexit to Trump, Jan-Werner Müller’s 2016 essay What is Populism? has defined our historical moment.1 Famously identifying populism as both anti-elitism and anti-pluralism, Müller has provided...
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    Joining metadata and textual features to advise administrative courts decisions: a cascading classifier approach.Hugo Mentzingen, Nuno Antonio & Victor Lobo - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (1):201-230.
    Decisions of regulatory government bodies and courts affect many aspects of citizens’ lives. These organizations and courts are expected to provide timely and coherent decisions, although they struggle to keep up with the increasing demand. The ability of machine learning (ML) models to predict such decisions based on past cases under similar circumstances was assessed in some recent works. The dominant conclusion is that the prediction goal is achievable with high accuracy. Nevertheless, most of those works do not consider important (...)
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    (1 other version)Logic, partial orders and topology.Hugo Mariano & Francisco Miraglia - 2005 - Manuscrito 28 (2):449-546.
    We give a version of L´os’ ultraproduct result for forcing in Kripke structures in a first-order language with equality and discuss ultrafilters in a topology naturally associated to a partial order. The presentation also includes background material so as to make the exposition accessible to those whose main interest is Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and/or Philosophy.
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  42. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan.Hugo A. Meynell - 1977 - Religious Studies 13 (1):118-119.
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    Animal culture: But of which kind?Hugo Viciana - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 90 (C):208-218.
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    Introduction: Psychology and Culture.Hugo Mercier - 2014 - Topoi 33 (2):437-441.
    Although there might seem to be a natural continuity and interplay between the cognitive sciences and the social sciences, the integration of the two has, on the whole, been fraught with difficulties. In some areas the transition was relatively smooth. For instance, political psychology is now a well-recognized branch both of psychology and of political science. In economics, things have been more difficult, with the entrenched assumption of a perfectly rational homo economicus, but behavioral economics is now well recognized, and (...)
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  45. Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy.Hugo Viciana, Antonio Gaitán Torres & Fernando Aguiar (eds.) - 2023 - Routledge.
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    Experiments in moral and political philosophy.Hugo Viciana, Antonio Gaitán & Fernando Aguiar González (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This volume presents new research on the use of experimental methodologies in moral and social philosophy. The contributions reflect the growing plurality of methodologies and strategies for implementing experimental work on morality to new domains, problems, and topics. Philosophers are exploring the ways in which empirical approaches can transform our idea of the good, our understanding of the social nature of norms and morality, as well as our methods of fulfilling ethical goals. The chapters in this volume extend experimental work (...)
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  47. Issues in Experimental Moral Philosophy.Hugo Viciana, Fernando Aguiar & Antonio Gaitán (eds.) - forthcoming - Routledge.
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    To kill a bee: The aptness and moralistic heuristics of reactive attitudes.Hugo Viciana, Antonio Gaitán & Fernando Aguiar - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  49. La norma social como matriz ideológica del poder.Hugo Daniel Aguilar, Marisa Moyano & Eduardo Ovidio Romero (eds.) - 2015 - Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina: Ediciones Cántaro de Piedra.
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    Los actores emergentes en los procesos constituyentes latinoamericanos y su impacto en el concepto de constitución.Hugo Tórtora Aravena - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:45-67.
    This article refers to the idea of Constitution, understood as a social contract. It is argued that the emergence of new actors in the Latin American constituent processes has made it possible to appreciate the Constitutions as increasingly complex pacts. It is not only a pact “between individuals” or “between citizens”, but it can also be understood as an agreement between cultures, between human beings and nature, and even between men and women. It ends by noting that, as new groups (...)
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